Christian Videos Link

 Introducing "Daily Christian Videos Links"! It's a special project started by Bishop Paul Inderjeet Khokher on March 13th, 2024. Since then, lots of people, over 228,000 of them, have joined in!

We share videos that make people feel good and closer to their faith. We find these videos on different social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and more. We pick out the best ones to share with everyone.

What's cool about "Daily Christian Videos Links" is we use technology in a smart way. We teamed up with "Ashish Apps" to send personalized messages through WhatsApp. This means we send you videos straight to your phone that you'll love!

The idea behind "Daily Christian Videos Links" is simple: everyone should be able to feel good about their faith, no matter where they are or what language they speak. By using phones and the internet, Bishop Paul Inderjeet Khokher and our team are helping people all around the world feel closer to their faith.

To start receiving these special videos, just fill in your name and phone number in the form below:

If you want to join manually just send an email to or call 1697297444.
